OSOE(一人一套ERP)教育项目是由许多不同的课程材料结合起来的,这些课程材料组合了成不同的讲座。 OSOE项目的教师可以自由使用以下部分或全部讲座 。 您也可以根据以下课程材料建立自己的教学项目。
2013年二月, Supinfo国际大学和TU Dresden大学开设了基于开源ERP软件ERP5的首次ERP大规模开放在线课堂(MOOC“慕课”)。课程参与者包括来自大约12个国家的1500名学生,以及其他高等教育机构的匿名学生和一些对开源ERP感兴趣的人。这项大规模开放在线课堂是基于ERP5 —— 由Nexedi公司开发的一个开源ERP,它已被四大洲许多跨国公司和政府机构采用,并为OSOE教育项目提供实践平台。
在为期两个月的OSOE“慕课”时间内, Supinfo的学生获得了ERP咨询经验。此外,以机器学习技术为基础,由Supinfo教授完成的课程评估丰富了批改建议系统 —— ERP5慕课管理系统的大数据库。
OSOE Supinfo大规模开放在线课堂项目介绍请见 OSOE MOOC on ERP5.
我们正在寻求新的OSOE课程材料贡献者。 如果您有兴趣,请联系我们。
- ERP企业资源计划: 理论,实践和系统配置课程
- 如何在24小时内成为一个云供应商并开始您的业务
- ERP介绍以及使用ERP5和SlapOS进行数据挖掘
- 使用Python和ERP5进行基于云的系统开发
- 使用ERP5和SlapOS进行CRM客户关系管理
ERP企业资源计划: 理论,实践和系统配置课程 => 全部课程
等级: |
本科/研究生 |
课时: |
8 x 3 小时 |
课程技术要求: |
稳定的互联网联接以及通用的网页浏览器 |
课程提供者: |
Jean-Paul Smets, Jacques Honoré,
Klaus Wölfel, 许晶晶
- 本课程的首要目标是向学生介绍统一的企业运作流程。通过理论学习,学生将能够理解企业组织的基本原理,以及ERP系统如何通过管理业务流程帮助提高企业运行能力。
- 第二个目标是指导学生观察工作流程如何应用于ERP。为此,我们为每个学生提供一个由SlapOS支持的ERP5应用程序,从而使学生能够像企业员工一样进行日常工作流程操作。
- 第三个目标是指导学生进行一项ERP实际应用的初始咨询。 该咨询过程通过对受访企业的一套网上问卷而进行。 问卷调查的目的是鉴定那些不完善的企业业务流程,并且判断哪些存在缺陷的流程可以通过ERP来改善。企业咨询的目标是对ERP在该企业的应用设置优先级。
- 第四个目标是指导如何运用“类别”原理对一个ERP进行系统配置。由于系统配置是通过一个电子表格进行的,因此本课程对编程技能没有硬性要求,课程的重点是企业管理和组织的研究和实践,而非技术细节。
=> 全部课程 |
如何使用ERP5开发你的第一个ERP应用 => 全部课程
等级: |
本科/研究生 |
课时: |
8 x 3 小时 |
课程技术要求: |
稳定的互联网联接以及通用的网页浏览器 |
课程提供者: |
Jean-Paul Smets, Vincent Desmares, Sébastien Robin, Jacques Honoré, Klaus Wölfel, 许晶晶
- 现在您已经能够熟练使用ERP5进行企业管理,就可以开始学习论坛开发课程。本教程由7个章节组成,对进行ERP5应用开发的每个部分进行详细介绍。
=> 全部课程 |
How to Become a Cloud Provider in 24 hours and Start Doing Business => Access full Lecture
Level: |
Undergraduate / Graduate |
Duration: |
5 x 8 hours |
Technical requirements: |
Internet connexion with standard compliant webbrowser |
Contributors: |
Luke Nowak, Jean-Paul Smets, Rafael Monnerat, Vivien Alger, Cedric de Saint Martin |
- The first goal is to teach that Cloud Computing is about Business rather than about Technology. Due to the progress of Cloud Computing in our societies, many IT jobs will soon become irrelevant, following a process introduced by American Economist and EU Political Advisor Jeremy Rifkin. Yet, software developers can also create new jobs by understanding how Cloud Computing works and by adopting SlapOS Distributed Cloud Computing.
- The second goal is to teach how Cloud Provisionning and Accounting can be implemented with a Standard Open Source ERP Model, which in addition provides billing and backoffice at not extra cost, as well as CRM for user support, with the same level of workflow automation as in large companies.
- The third goal is to teach how an easy API, based on single method modelled after standard business metaphors, can unify IaaS, PaaS and SaaS . This lecture shows in particular how the unified request method of SlapOS provides an easy way to combine all the resources of the Cloud without having to learn hundreds of incompatible APIs. It uses the example of typical Linux Apache MySQL PHP stack (LAMP) and explains how to create a SlapOS Software Release, step by step, by only using a standard Web Browser.
- The fourth goal is to teach how to start selling your software on the Cloud, either by adding your software to the VIFIB Store or by creating your own SlapOS Master node. In addition, we explain during this lecture how to contribute to SlapOS Community Cloud by registering your servers to it.
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Introduction to ERP and Data Mining with ERP5 and SlapOS => Access full Lecture
Level: |
Undergraduate / Graduate |
Duration: |
8 x 3 hours |
Technical requirements: |
Internet connexion with standard compliant webbrowser |
Contributors: |
Jean-Paul Smets, Jacques Honoré |
- The first goal is to teach universal workflows in companies. By doing so, students will be able to understand fundamentals of how companies are organized and how ERP systems help companies to improve their performance by managing their business process.
- The second goal is observe how workflows are implemented in an ERP. For this we will use ERP5 instances delivered thorugh SlapOS to each student of this lesson. Students will then be able to practice each workflow as company staff do everyday.
- The third goal is to use information available in ERP/CRM/DMS systems and learn how to produce useful reports. This is performed through an introduction to Data Mining.
- The fourth goal is to teach how to configure and ERP through the definition of so-called categories. Since the configuration is made through a spreadsheet, no programming skills are needed and the focus is kept on management and organization rather than on technical details.
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Introduction to development over the cloud using python and ERP5 => Access full Lecture
Level: |
Undergraduate / Graduate |
Duration: |
3 x 3 hours |
Technical requirements: |
Internet connexion with standard compliant webbrowser |
Contributors: |
Jean-Paul Smets, Jacques Honoré |
- The goal of this lecture is to give to the students a quick overview of how to develop on a web based environment using python and ERP5. It has been used to trained students to let them develop a clone of a well known CRM software within 3 days.
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Introduction to CRM (Customer Relationship Management) using ERP5 and SlapOS => Access full Lecture
Level: |
Undergraduate / Graduate |
Duration: |
6 x 2 hours |
Technical requirements: |
Internet connexion with standard compliant webbrowser |
Contributors: |
Jean-Paul Smets, Jacques Honoré |
- The first goal is to teach what is a CRM system and to explain what is a ticket and what is an event.
- The second goal is to teach universal workflows associated to the tickets and events in a CRM system.
- The third goal is to teach how to categorise your prospects.
- The last goal is to teach how to produce useful reports in order to manage your sales efforts in an efficient way.
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