
Using MariaDB with SlapOS


  • Request a MariaDB instance
  • Setup stunnel
  • Connect to SQL


Your node has to be able to create new instances of MariaDB (see previous tutorials).

You first need to install MariaDB Software Release on your node.

Once the Software Release is installed, your node is ready to deploy instances of MariaDB.

Note: Please make sure to remember the version of MariaDB Software Release you installed. Only instance from the installed version(s) can be created on this node.


In the previous tutorials you saw how to request instance.

Choose the method your prefer to request a "MariaDB" instance on your own Node.

The most simple way to request an instance is to go on and request a service on your own node.

Configure stunnel

Install, (re)configure and launch stunner and mysql-client to connect to your instance :

# apt-get install stunnel mysql-client
$ mkdir ~/slapos
$ echo "foreground = yes
syslog = no
pid = /home/$(whoami)/slapos/
debug = debug

accept =
client = yes" > /home/$(whoami)/slapos/stunnel.conf

$ stunnel4 /home/$(whoami)/slapos/stunnel.conf

Install stunnel on your machine (on debian, do apt-get install stunnel). Then configure it, and launch it.

Install MySQL client (on Debian, do apt-get install mysql-client).

Note: It Doesn't have to be on same machine that your node!

Connect to Mysql

mysql -u user -h -P 12345 -p db
Connect to your instance using the mysql client utility.

Next Steps

Learn how to create your own service.

Thank You

  • Nexedi SA
  • 147 Rue du Ballon
  • 59110 La Madeleine
  • France
  • +33629024425

For more information, please contact Jean-Paul, CEO of Nexedi (+33 629 02 44 25).