No Sale Packing List Related
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Please I am having issues moving from this point. My sales order has been confirmed and i still cannot create my related sales packing list for hours. Attached is a screenshot of what it has been displaying. Thank you


Please check also the VAT Trade Sale Conditions and if they have correct dates included. 

From my experience in most cases the VAT was causing the issue.

I have checked the VAT France Sale Trade Condition and the date in in between dates included in the effective and expiration date. I still cannot create my sale packing. Attached is a picture for it. Thanks


In this case just open a new Sale Packing list manually in the module and relate it (order) to your existing sale order. 

Please when i created the sales packing manually, the casualty state didnt change from draft to solved. Is that a problem or i can continue with creating the sale invoice too manually. Attached is a screenshot of it. Thanks

In our case this doesn't matter. You can continue.